Thursday, July 19, 2018

Montreal Fringe Award; Patreon; 31/7 Action

I had a super-duper time at the Montreal Fringe in June and I won the juried MainLine Theatre (hosts of the fringe) Creativity Award! 

Thank you Montreal Fringe! Funnest fringe!

It was particularly meaningful for two reasons. One, because of the words the lovely Geoff Agombar, juror and G.M., spoke when honouring me:

"In a space with no limits, we nonetheless carry limits in ourselves, play roles, seek confirmation. Our winner is a show that isn't comfortable in its contradictions and cares so deeply it just can't give a fuck! Fierce nonchalance and the full power of extreme vulnerability: it challenges everything we believe about theatre and undermines all hierarchies. It is the ultimate feminist act and the ultimate act of fringe." (I feel a bit like Sally Field: You value me! You really value me!)
And two, because the two shows that were runners-up were stellar; both deeply feeling and intellectual. Devon More's Flute Loops and Ulfet Sevdi and Nicholas Royer-Artuso's 4'33" in Baghdad. 4'33" in Baghdad is my favourite fringe show that I have ever seen. A sardonic but heartful academic addresses imperialism and atrocity through the lens of musicology. Dry wit and brilliant. Unfortunately their fringe run is over but Devon is bringing Flute Loops to Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver Fringes. If you have the chance, see it!

I came home with pneumonia, though, and that is why my July offering is happening so late. (And I'm counting the Montreal Fringe as June actions!)
Monthly Act of Disruption and Resistance (aka Vulnerability Vigil)July 31, 201812 noon-1 pm
Near Regina Park homeless camp (near Uptown Mall on the Trans-Canada highway), Victoria, BC 
Our nation's continued persecution+prosecution of the vulnerable+impoverished is an atrocity. Showing up for my Monthly Act of Disruption and Resistance near Victoria's newest tent city is my artistic response to the disgust+despair I feel living as a privileged, complicit person in a money-laundering economy that creates brutal homelessness.
I will be wearing my new Monthly Actions uniform of inside out menstrual pads covering my genital area. 
Perhaps you feel some of the extremity and intensity I experience and want to join me; all are welcome to join in the spirit of solidarity and respect for those who are most vulnerable. Wear what you want. (I can possibly change the time for later in the day if noon doesn't work for you.) 
Facebook event

Also, I have created a page in the community, where artists get paid for their work. You could figuratively buy me a beer or two every month. Please consider subscribing! I will send you a t-shirt!

Here is my Patreon video as well:

Thanks for "listening," Tasha

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