Sunday, February 1, 2015

Valentine's #VulnerabilityVigils Victoria+Vancouver 2-3pm

For Valentine's Day you could take part in a long-running stand for humanity.

Please consider joining Tasha Diamant in Victoria or Emma Cooper in Vancouver. Everyone is welcome, as dressed as you choose. You can even hold your own #VulnerabilityVigil wherever you are.

#VulnerabilityVigils are part of an ongoing performance art and activism project. Among other culture-busting, creator Tasha Diamant's work is about sharing and expressing vulnerability.

At least once a month for an hour, Diamant stands naked on the street to be as vulnerable as possible.  Diamant is a 53-year-old, otherwise rather reclusive woman who uses nakedness as a statement and symbol. "You can draw parallels between the vulnerable body and vulnerable humanity and the vulnerable planet," says Diamant.

Another chilly vigil.
Because she understands that nakedness can be confrontational in our culture, as a gesture of gentleness, she and her supporters hold a sign in front of their bodies. The sign has the Extinction Symbol on it. "From a triage point of view," says Diamant, "The thing we need to know is that we are now creating a mass extinction on the planet. Like, shouldn't we do everything we can to drop everything else? But I happen to think that the violence, misogyny and poverty we're 'used to' have long indicated how messed up we are."

"Our brains need to change." Diamant believes that the only way forward is to kickstart evolution by dealing viscerally with our mutual vulnerability. Hence the vigils and her ongoing project, the Human Body Project.

Valentine's #VulnerabilityVigils 

Tasha Diamant will hold her 43rd #Vulnerability Vigil at 
Corner of Yates and Government (same place as last month)
Saturday, February 14
2-3 pm

Emma Cooper will hold a #VulnerabilityVigil at
Vancouver Art Gallery
Robson St side (same place as last month)
Saturday, February 14
2-3 pm

All are welcome to join, as dressed as you choose.

Anyone, anywhere can hold a #VulnerabilityVigil.

Special thanks to Emma Cooper who, with various supporters, started doing coinciding #VulnerabilityVigils in Vancouver in November.

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